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- *if_pyth.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 05
- The Python Interface to Vim *python* *Python*
- 1. Commands |python-commands|
- 2. The vim module |python-vim|
- 3. Buffer objects |python-buffer|
- 4. Range objects |python-range|
- 5. Window objects |python-window|
- {Vi does not have any of these commands}
- The Python interface is available only when Vim was compiled with the
- |+python| feature.
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Commands *python-commands*
- *:python* *:py* *E205* *E263* *E264*
- :[range]py[thon] {stmt}
- Execute Python statement {stmt}.
- :[range]py[thon] << {endmarker}
- {script}
- {endmarker}
- Execute Python script {script}.
- {endmarker} must NOT be preceded by any white space. If {endmarker} is
- omitted from after the "<<", a dot '.' must be used after {script}, like
- for the |:append| and |:insert| commands.
- This form of the |:python| command is mainly useful for including python code
- in Vim scripts.
- Example: >
- function! IcecreamInitialize()
- python << EOF
- class StrawberryIcecream:
- def __call__(self):
- print 'EAT ME'
- endfunction
- <
- *:pyfile* *:pyf*
- :[range]pyf[ile] {file} Execute the Python script in {file}. {not in Vi}
- Both of these commands do essentially the same thing - they execute a piece of
- Python code, with the "current range" |python-range| set to the given line
- range.
- In the case of :python, the code to execute is in the command-line.
- In the case of :pyfile, the code to execute is the contents of the given file.
- Python commands cannot be used in the |sandbox|.
- Here are some examples *python-examples* >
- :python from vim import *
- :python from string import upper
- :python current.line = upper(current.line)
- :python print "Hello"
- :python str = current.buffer[42]
- (Note that changes - like the imports - persist from one command to the next,
- just like in the Python interpreter.)
- ==============================================================================
- 2. The vim module *python-vim*
- Python code gets all of its access to vim (with one exception - see
- |python-output| below) via the "vim" module. The vim module implements two
- methods, three constants, and one error object.
- Overview >
- print "Hello" # displays a message
- vim.command(cmd) # execute an ex command
- w = vim.windows[n] # gets window "n"
- cw = vim.current.window # gets the current window
- b = vim.buffers[n] # gets buffer "n"
- cb = vim.current.buffer # gets the current buffer
- w.height = lines # sets the window height
- w.cursor = (row, col) # sets the window cursor position
- pos = w.cursor # gets a tuple (row, col)
- name = b.name # gets the buffer file name
- line = b[n] # gets a line from the buffer
- lines = b[n:m] # gets a list of lines
- num = len(b) # gets the number of lines
- b[n] = str # sets a line in the buffer
- b[n:m] = [str1, str2, str3] # sets a number of lines at once
- del b[n] # deletes a line
- del b[n:m] # deletes a number of lines
- Methods
- vim.command(str) *python-command*
- Executes the vim (ex-mode) command str. Returns None.
- Examples: >
- vim.command("set tw=72")
- vim.command("%s/aaa/bbb/g")
- < The following definition executes Normal mode commands: >
- def normal(str):
- vim.command("normal "+str)
- # Note the use of single quotes to delimit a string containing
- # double quotes
- normal('"a2dd"aP')
- <
- vim.eval(str) *python-eval*
- Evaluates the expression str using the vim internal expression
- evaluator (see |expression|). Returns the expression result as a
- string.
- Examples: >
- text_width = vim.eval("'tw'")
- str = vim.eval("12+12") # NB result is a string! Use
- # string.atoi() to convert to
- # a number.
- Error object
- vim.error *python-error*
- Upon encountering a Vim error, Python raises an exception of type
- vim.error.
- Example: >
- try:
- vim.command("put a")
- except vim.error:
- # nothing in register a
- Constants
- Note that these are not actually constants - you could reassign them.
- But this is silly, as you would then lose access to the vim objects
- to which the variables referred.
- vim.buffers *python-buffers*
- A sequence object providing access to the list of vim buffers. The
- object supports the following operations: >
- b = vim.buffers[i] # Indexing (read-only)
- b in vim.buffers # Membership test
- n = len(vim.buffers) # Number of elements
- for b in vim.buffers: # Sequential access
- <
- vim.windows *python-windows*
- A sequence object providing access to the list of vim windows. The
- object supports the following operations: >
- w = vim.windows[i] # Indexing (read-only)
- w in vim.windows # Membership test
- n = len(vim.windows) # Number of elements
- for w in vim.windows: # Sequential access
- <
- vim.current *python-current*
- An object providing access (via specific attributes) to various
- "current" objects available in vim:
- vim.current.line The current line (RW) String
- vim.current.buffer The current buffer (RO) Buffer
- vim.current.window The current window (RO) Window
- vim.current.range The current line range (RO) Range
- The last case deserves a little explanation. When the :python or
- :pyfile command specifies a range, this range of lines becomes the
- "current range". A range is a bit like a buffer, but with all access
- restricted to a subset of lines. See |python-range| for more details.
- Output from Python *python-output*
- Vim displays all Python code output in the Vim message area. Normal
- output appears as information messages, and error output appears as
- error messages.
- In implementation terms, this means that all output to sys.stdout
- (including the output from print statements) appears as information
- messages, and all output to sys.stderr (including error tracebacks)
- appears as error messages.
- *python-input*
- Input (via sys.stdin, including input() and raw_input()) is not
- supported, and may cause the program to crash. This should probably be
- fixed.
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Buffer objects *python-buffer*
- Buffer objects represent vim buffers. You can obtain them in a number of ways:
- - via vim.current.buffer (|python-current|)
- - from indexing vim.buffers (|python-buffers|)
- - from the "buffer" attribute of a window (|python-window|)
- Buffer objects have one read-only attribute - name - the full file name for
- the buffer. They also have three methods (append, mark, and range; see below).
- You can also treat buffer objects as sequence objects. In this context, they
- act as if they were lists (yes, they are mutable) of strings, with each
- element being a line of the buffer. All of the usual sequence operations,
- including indexing, index assignment, slicing and slice assignment, work as
- you would expect. Note that the result of indexing (slicing) a buffer is a
- string (list of strings). This has one unusual consequence - b[:] is different
- from b. In particular, "b[:] = None" deletes the whole of the buffer, whereas
- "b = None" merely updates the variable b, with no effect on the buffer.
- Buffer indexes start at zero, as is normal in Python. This differs from vim
- line numbers, which start from 1. This is particularly relevant when dealing
- with marks (see below) which use vim line numbers.
- The buffer object methods are:
- b.append(str) Append a line to the buffer
- b.append(list) Append a list of lines to the buffer
- Note that the option of supplying a list of strings to
- the append method differs from the equivalent method
- for Python's built-in list objects.
- b.mark(name) Return a tuple (row,col) representing the position
- of the named mark (can also get the []"<> marks)
- b.range(s,e) Return a range object (see |python-range|) which
- represents the part of the given buffer between line
- numbers s and e (inclusive).
- Examples (assume b is the current buffer) >
- print b.name # write the buffer file name
- b[0] = "hello!!!" # replace the top line
- b[:] = None # delete the whole buffer
- del b[:] # delete the whole buffer (same as above)
- b[0:0] = "add a line" # add a line at the top
- del b[2] # delete a line (the third)
- b.append("bottom") # add a line at the bottom
- n = len(b) # number of lines
- (row,col) = b.mark('a') # named mark
- r = b.range(1,5) # a sub-range of the buffer
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Range objects *python-range*
- Range objects represent a part of a vim buffer. You can obtain them in a
- number of ways:
- - via vim.current.range (|python-current|)
- - from a buffer's range() method (|python-buffer|)
- A range object is almost identical in operation to a buffer object. However,
- all operations are restricted to the lines within the range (this line range
- can, of course, change as a result of slice assignments, line deletions, or
- the range.append() method).
- Unlike buffers, ranges do not have a "name" attribute, nor do they have mark()
- or range() methods. They do have an append() method, however, which adds
- line(s) to the end of the range.
- ==============================================================================
- 5. Window objects *python-window*
- Window objects represent vim windows. You can obtain them in a number of ways:
- - via vim.current.window (|python-current|)
- - from indexing vim.windows (|python-windows|)
- You can manipulate window objects only through their attributes. They have no
- methods, and no sequence or other interface.
- Window attributes are:
- buffer (read-only) The buffer displayed in this window
- cursor (read-write) The current cursor position in the window
- This is a tuple, (row,col).
- height (read-write) The window height, in rows
- width (read-write) The window width, in columns
- The height attribute is writable only if the screen is split horizontally.
- The width attribute is writable only if the screen is split vertically.
- ==============================================================================
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: